Note: contributions are sorted in alphabetical order, please refer to the program for sessions and order of appearance

The dynamics of vision

Proposed by: Bruno Cessac, UCA, INRIA, Biovision team

The Retina as a Dynamical System

Bruno Cessac
Université Côte d’Azur, Inria Biovision team, France

Considering the retina as a high dimensional, non autonomous, dynamical system, layered and structured, with non stationary and spatially inhomogeneous entries (visual scenes), we present several examples where dynamical systems-, bifurcations-, and ergodic-theory provide useful insights on retinal behaviour and dynamics.

Posted Mon 05 Jul 2021 09:34:57 PM CEST by Bruno Cessac

Glassy phase in dynamically balanced networks

G. Mongillo, K. Berlemont
CNRS, Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne University
We study the dynamics of inhibitory balanced networks at varying (i) the level of symmetry in the synaptic connectivity; and (ii) the variance of the synaptic efficacies (synaptic gain). We find three regimes of activity. For suitably low synaptic gain, regardless of the level of symmetry, there exists a unique stable fixed point. Using a cavity-like approach, we develop a quantitative theory that describes the statistics of the activity in this unique fixed point, and the conditions for its stability. Increasing the synaptic gain, the unique fixed point destabilizes, and the network exhibits chaotic activity for zero or negative levels of symmetry (i.e., random or antisymmetric). Instead, for positive levels of symmetry, there is multi-stability among a large number of marginally stable fixed points. In this regime, ergodicity is broken and the network exhibits non-exponential relaxational dynamics. We discuss the potential relevance of such a “glassy” phase to explain some features of cortical activity.
Posted Mon 05 Jul 2021 09:34:57 PM CEST by Gianluigi Mongillo

Dynamics of the processing of orientation precision in the primary visual cortex

Hugo J. Ladret, Nelson Cortes, Lamyae Ikan, Frédéric Chavane, Christian Casanova, Laurent U. Perrinet
Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, UMR 7289, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France and School of Optometry, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC H3C 3J7, Canada
The primary visual cortex (V1) processes complex mixtures of orientations to build neural representations of our visual environment. It remains unclear how V1 adapts to the highly volatile distributions of orientations found in natural images. We used naturalistic stimuli and measured the response of V1 neurons to orientation distributions of varying bandwidth. Although broad distributions decreased single neuron tuning, a neurally plausible decoder could robustly retrieve the orientations of stimuli from the population activity at all bandwidths. This decoder demonstrates that V1 population co-encodes orientation and its precision, which enhances population decoding performances. This internal representation is mediated by temporally distinct neural dynamics and supports a precision-weighted description of neuronal message passing in the visual cortex.
Posted Mon 05 Jul 2021 09:34:57 PM CEST by Laurent Perrinet

Spatial and color hallucinations in a mathematical model of primary visual cortex

Olivier Faugeras, Anna Song, Romain Veltz
Inria, Imperial College, Inria
We present a recent model [Song et al. 2019] of color perception unifying assimilation and contrast. This model, which relies on the notion of color opponency introduced by Hering, has been tuned to reproduce some nontrivial behaviors of the color shifts observed in experiments. Next, we perform equivariant bifurcation analysis, based on the properties of Wiener-Hopf operators, of this planar model to predict visual hallucinations. Numerical bifurcation analysis on GPU are provided to assess the global stability of the predicted visual hallucinations.